Welcome Volunteers!
Please read through all information below!
Arts on the Ave presents:
Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival
Thank you for volunteering for Arts on the Ave’s annual Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival. We look forward to working together to bring this energetic, arts-focused, FREE, family-friendly winter festival to our city.
Deep Freeze reminds us that even the darkest days of winter can bring warmth and happiness through the thoughtful programming of arts, cultural and winter heritage activities. This event will continue to focus on celebrating the multiculturalism of Edmonton, fun winter arts and engaging heritage activities. We look forward to working together to continue the success of bringing this celebration to our city.
artsontheave.org | deepfreezefest.ca
Our Volunteer-powered Heart & Soul
Our Heart & Soul
Deep Freeze is Volunteer-Powered!
We are pleased to work together and celebrate Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival with each of you! Our open arms embrace Edmonton in welcome as we continue to share arts in the Alberta Avenue District with a winter experience that highlights our city’s culture and provides its people with the reclamation of their streets.
Arts on the Ave comprises visual and performance artists, literary and film artists, photographers, and musicians collaborating and creating in the Alberta Avenue Arts District between NAIT and Northlands. At its core, Arts on the Ave believes in cultivating artistic and educational fellowship through arts celebrations, signature arts festivals, and traditions. Our goals are to nurture creative environments and to create opportunities for everyone to experience the joy of artistic expression.
Code of Ethics
All volunteers shall make every effort to present the event to the public in a positive way and shall not do anything to intentionally embarrass the event.
There shall be no use/consumption of alcohol or marijuana by any volunteer on duty at the event site.
There shall be no use or consumption of any illegal substances by volunteers at the event site. Failure to adhere to this regulation will immediately disqualify the volunteer(s) from the event site.
All volunteers shall respect other volunteers, performers, staff and the public. If a problem arises, the resolution should be deferred to the volunteer coordinator.
Volunteers shall make every effort to fulfil the responsibilities of crew membership. Failure to contribute minimum requirements or failure to meet shift commitment without a satisfactory excuse (which may require documentation) can result in dismissal from the event.
Volunteers are not to use any event property or money belonging to the event for their own advantage. Deep Freeze is built on honesty and trust and we expect our volunteers to be held to that standard.
No dogs are allowed on the premises under any circumstances unless, they are a certified service dog, in which case you must be able to clean up after them.
Evaluation of Volunteers
Each team lead is expected to be aware of the performance of all volunteers on his or her crew. The team lead and the volunteer coordinator will be responsible for meeting with delinquent volunteers to discuss their future involvement with the event.
Volunteer Rights & Responsibilities
Volunteer Responsibilities
Read and adhere to the Code of Ethics; be aware of the consequences of violation.
Work your scheduled shifts as designated by your coordinator during the event.
Be available and on time for assigned shifts.
If you feel unwell, please stay home and let us know immediately.
If you cannot make your shift, please give us as much notice as possible (at least 24 hours) by contacting the volunteer coordinator.
Behave in a friendly and courteous manner – treat other volunteers, performers, staff and patrons respectfully.
Be a team player – focus on the tasks and achieving your crew’s goals.
Contact your volunteer coordinator if you have a serious problem or concern.
Arrange child care for while you are on duty.
Assume responsibility for your children’s behaviour at the event site.
Wear your volunteer toque and button while on duty. These identify you to others as a member of Deep Freeze / Arts on the Ave. Volunteer t-shirts must be removed at the end of each shift (if applicable). Buttons must be returned to the volunteer check-in desk at the end of each shift. Toques must be removed when enjoying Deep Freeze as a patron.
Consider other volunteer opportunities during the year – we rely on year-round help from volunteers.
Masking is optional both indoors and outdoors. We encourage volunteers to take precautions that make them feel the safest while on site.
Volunteer Rights
To be identified as a volunteer.
To be treated as a co-worker.
To be adequately informed about the event, its policies, programs and procedures. To feel comfortable with tasks assigned to you.
To know what is expected of you.
To be recognized for your contribution to the event.
To make an appeal, should your role be revoked, you must contact the volunteer coordinator in writing (including details of your situation) within 14 days.
Volunteer Benefits
Access to meals on-site during your shifts
A volunteer toque
Access to volunteer parties
A complimentary event guide
Yearly events
Disciplinary Procedures
The following guidelines are designed to deal with problems that may arise during the event. While protecting individual volunteers, they also provide a structure and chain of command for dealing with unpleasant occurrences:
• Anyone who witnesses a volunteer acting inappropriately or violating the Code of Ethics should contact the volunteer coordinator.
The individual filing the complaint should verify the infraction and complete an incident report.
• This incident report form must be signed and left at volunteer services for the manager of volunteers or submitted at a later time with the post-event coordinator’s report. The volunteer coordinator will also be advised of the incident and may be directed to follow up with the volunteer involved.
Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
Call 911 for emergencies. Identify that you’re at Deep Freeze with your exact location. Then call your team lead and advise of the following:
Location of emergency
Are you Safe?
Are others around you safe?
Brief description of emergency
Upon weather advisory or other emergency, a text message will be sent to your phone with clear information. Seek your team lead for further instructions.
Tips & Tricks for a Great Weekend
Volunteer check-in will be at the east doors of the Alberta Ave Community League (9210 118 Ave).
In the Alberta Avenue Community Hall, you will find a place just for volunteers to chill, drink coffee, and eat food. Each volunteer will get one food ticket per 3 to 4-hour shift. We will always have drinks and snacks in the lounge available without a ticket.
A volunteer will not drink or be under the influence of alcohol or marijuana during their shift. They will not use illegal drugs at any time while on site. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from the festival.
Smoking is not permitted on-site at any time. You may go into the residential areas, but please ensure you are not leaving any litter behind.
Arrive early to find parking on the streets. Please adhere to the City of Edmonton bylaws and parking restriction signs.
Remember you are a representative of the community, of Deep Freeze, and Arts on the Ave. Be friendly and respectful of other volunteers, staff, visitors, and everyone on site. Harassment will not be tolerated. If you are unsure if a particular behaviour or use of language is welcomed, the best way to figure it out is to ask. Rude or aggressive behaviour will result in dismissal from the event.
Volunteers must wear their Deep Freeze toque and name badge while on shift. This identifies you as a member of the event team. A clean, neat appearance is mandatory. Be sure to dress for the weather. Warm winter gear (mitts/gloves/boots/winter jacket/snowpants) is encouraged.
Be at least 15 minutes early for your shift. Check-in before each shift at the volunteer station, located through the east door of Alberta Avenue. Community League.
If you are going to be late for or miss your shift, please let us know ASAP via phone call at (825) 525-2992.
Please ensure you have read the Code of Ethics.
The safety of the site is everyone’s responsibility. If you see something that concerns you, contact your team lead or volunteer coordinator, and we will deal with it immediately.
The Deep Freeze staff rely on you to ensure the event’s success. They will do their very best to make sure their instructions to you are clear, that your work site is appropriate and enjoyable, and that you are treated with respect. If you have any questions at all, please ask! There are no wrong questions!
What to bring:
• Deep Freeze toque
• Dress for the weather (boots, layers, mitts/gloves)
• Water bottle
• Event guide
• On-shift snacks