Artisan Market

Artisan Market

Artisan Market

Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts (9225 – 118 Ave)

Noon – 6:00 pm

Noon – 6:00 pm

Come shop original and local at the artisan market. This unique arts market offers a wonderful collection of hand-crafted products from local artisans.

Our artisans are: Art Dog Studio, CW McDonald Photography, Devorah Art, Fox Cree-ations, jj wool company, Nathan Delvin, Paragon of Design by Skrocki, Ragnar the Trader, Rock Shelley, SheDrewIt Design, Tribes Trading

Deep FREEZER Races!

Cool Runnins’ Deep Freezer Race 

Saturday & Sunday 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
118 Avenue at Alberta Avenue Community League

Come and join in the fun! Bring your friends and family for the ride of a lifetime. Teams of five (ages 12+) race toward the finish line to challenge for the fastest time. Bring helmets – deep freezers are provided. 

For more details and to apply click here

Tourtière Baking Challenge

Tourtière Baking Challenge

Saturday January 14
The Hearth (in the Alberta Ave Community League, 9210 – 118 Avenue)

Tourtière is a wonderful French Canadian comfort food, loved by all, and each year on Francophone Cultural Day at Deep Freeze we serve homemade, delicious tourtière. Again this year we have challenged local cooks to come and show-off their best tourtière recipe in our Tourtière Baking Challenge. Results will be announced at 5:00 pm at The Hearth Stage.

Art Gallery Show & Sale

Art Gallery Show and Sale

Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts Stollery Gallery (9225–118 Avenue)
Saturday: Noon to 6:00 pm  |  Sunday: Noon to 6:00 pm

Welcome to our 10th anniversary year of the annual Deep Freeze Gallery exhibition at the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts. All artwork on display is available for purchase with a portion of the sale going to support Arts on the Ave – the charity organization that produces Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival and other festivals and events in the community. This exhibition showcases a variety of artwork from emerging to established artists. We hope you enjoy this juried exhibition.

Here are some engaging ideas and activities you can try while you are looking at the artwork, especially if you have children:

Start by NOT reading the artwork’s label: Look at the work first; see if you can imagine what the work is about. 

You Name the Artwork: Using sticky notes and pencils provided, rename one or two of your favourite artworks. Discuss the reasons for the new title.

Tell Stories: Make up a story about one of the paintings or sculptures. Ask questions.

Play I Spy: Choose an object/colour/shape/texture in an artwork and have friends and family members take turns guessing which artwork it is. If it is an object/shape/texture you will need to describe it first – but don’t give too much away!

Seek and Find: Pick your favourite colours, shapes, textures or objects and see how many you can find in the artwork. This games helps the viewer to look more closely at the art.

Change where you stand: Change how you view a piece of art by moving really close (but remember no touching) then move really far back. Talk about the differences.

Our Gallery Artists are: David Aaron, Pam Baergen, Jaye Benoit, Susan Berwald,
Catharine Compston, Julie Drew, Krista Hamilton, Curtis Johnson, Michelle Leavitt-Djonlic,
Wei Li, Tong Liu, Charles McDonald, Stephanie Medford, Sharon Moore Foster,
Mireille Péloquin, Angela Stadlwieser-Smith, John Renpenning and Charlene Wildeman