Street Hockey Tournament

Saturday & Sunday 12:00 pm - 5:00pm | 94 Street & 118 Avenue

Who says street hockey is only for the summer? Round up your friends for the Deep Freeze 3 on 3 Street Hockey Tournament. Take home a championship or one of the many other prizes available to tournament participants.

Register for the Street Hockey tournament here!

HEY KIDS! Grab a stick and take some shots on a goalie! The Kids Drop-in Hockey Zone is next to The Carrot!
 (94 Street – 118 Avenue) Treat yourself to some hot chocolate afterwards at The Carrot!

Chinese Lanterns – Photo Op!

Chinese Lanterns – Photo Op!

Saturday & Sunday | Alleyway (in the alley between 94 & 93 Street on 118 Avenue)

Immerse yourself in the ethereal glow of the Chinese Lanterns and join us in preparing for Lunar New Year celebrations on January 29th, 2025. In collaboration with Ruth Jeang, Cheryl Boos, and Steven Teeuwsen.

Post your photo to Instagram and tag @deepfreeze_fest #DeepFreezeFest

In the Bush: A Street Gallery

In the Bush: A Street Gallery

Saturday & Sunday | On the Street

Goldenrod, highbush cranberry and sage, dive into the world of Alberta based medicinal plants. A unique exhibition where the raw beauty of the bush meets the street, transforming natural landscapes into an open-air gallery, blending wilderness and creativity. See more of Amanda's work online at

Hong De Lion Dancers

Hong De Lion Dancers

Saturday | On the Street

Hong De Lion Dancers will be sharing the lion’s blessings, which are believed to bring happiness, longevity, and good luck!

Post your photo to Instagram and tag @deepfreeze_fest #DeepFreezeFest

Lion Dance is an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. In the past, Lion Dance was only seen during Chinese New Year and at some businesses grand openings; today, Lion Dance is a common sight at weddings, anniversaries, parades, and many other functions and events. The lion's blessings are believed to bring happiness, longevity and good luck.

Hong De Lion Dance Troupe is an official member of the International Sar Ping Lion Dance Confederation. Our goal is to develop and promote the art of Lion Dance as a cultural sport with systematic training programs of international standards.


Saturday • 9:00 pm (Behind Alberta Avenue Community League)

Get ready for an exhilarating spectacle as dazzling fireworks illuminate the night sky, launched from the soccer field, in the park behind Alberta Avenue Community League. Brace for a breathtaking show that promises to paint the heavens with a burst of mesmerizing colours! *Weather permitting

Fireworks display sponsored by: UNCLE JOHN’S FIREWORKS

HanBeat Samulnori

HanBeat Samulnori

Saturday & Sunday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm | On the Street

HanBeat Samulnori is an Edmonton based Traditional Korean music and dance group bringing a taste of Korean culture to Canada. They were established in 1994 and continue to share Korean heritage through various events and venues. You can check them out or contact them on Facebook and Instagram @hanbeatofficial for performance requests or more information! Catch them performing on the ave!


Saturday & Sunday | On the Street

Since 2001, the National Stiltwalkers of Canada have shared their “high-spirited entertainment” at festivals and events throughout Alberta. They have also performed in Ottawa, the Maritimes, Victoria, Oregon, Washington, DC, and at an international circus festival in Nanjing, China. They are excited to be returning to Deep Freeze 2023. Keep an eye out for these exciting performers strolling down the avenue in style!

AWN Caribou Patrol

Saturday & Sunday | On the Street

The Aseniwuche Winewak Nation of Canada (AWN) also know as the Rocky Mountain People, created this unique program to contribute to local recovery efforts for endangered woodland caribou herds in west-central Alberta. The Caribou Patrol operates within a 100 kilometre radius of Grande Cache, and patrols are focused on areas that have a higher risk of vehicle collisions. It is the goal of the AWN to increase awareness of caribou management by engaging the public in the conservation of this iconic Canadian species.